Going Above and Beyond

Success is achieved not just by meeting the status quo; it is by going above and beyond those expectations. Anyone who has worked hard for success knows that there is always something a little bit more that can be given or done in any situation. It is really about giving it your all, and then some.

As a small business owner, you are probably no stranger to giving that “and then some” to ensure your business’s success. Long hours, detailed bookkeeping, scouring applications to find just the right employees are all just part of the daily grind.

What about your liquor bottle security? Have you found something that gives it it’s all to make your store more profitable? If you haven’t already, try out the Alpha Security liquor bottle locks.

A liquor bottle lock is a cap that goes over the bottle to eliminate access to its contents. These liquor bottle locks are also fitted with an EAS tag that will sound the alarm if a bottle goes out the door prior to the lock being removed.

They are also compact in design to allow for maximum inventory placement on the shelves. There is no need to sacrifice your visual displays for unsightly and cumbersome lock boxes. Your customers will still have their full range of access to your liquor bottles to peruse and purchase.

It sounds to me like liquor bottle security, and then some!

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle liquor bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Alpha Security, Liquor Bottle Lock, Liquor Bottle locks, Liquor Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547