It’s a fact, EAS will Stop Shoplifters

Bottle security is no different than any other security measure most retailers have to put into place. Most retailers are now using some form of EAS system to protect their inventory from shrink losses. The statistical data to prove an EAS system’s effectiveness is staggering. Some retailers have seen up to a 75% decrease in shrink once a system has been put into place.

In my tenure in Loss Prevention I have worked with a wide variety of merchandise. I am often asked how I can make the transitions so simply. For me, it’s pretty easy. Most shrink occurs in the same forms regardless of being an expensive designer jacket, a power tool, or a bottle of wine.

Once you apply those same principals, bottle security is pretty straightforward. First and foremost, you need a shrink reduction plan. Let the trials and errors of other retailers work for you. Invest in retail anti-theft devices like Alpha Security’s EASy Bottle liquor Bottle Locks.

It is statistically proven that having an EAS system in place will reduce your risk of inventory losses. Shoplifters are aware of who has them and who doesn’t. It’s not complicated to guess which store they will target.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle liquor bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Alpha Security, Liquor Bottle Lock, Liquor Bottle locks, Liquor Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547