Retail Shrinkage And Loss Prevention – Atlanta

Retail shrinkage cancels millions of dollars in sales.  That means all of your hard work for an entire year can be wiped out by a single retail shrinkage loss.                                                            

Our goal as business managers is to get retail shrinkage and retail loss down to a manageable level. We will never eliminate it all together. However, we can push retail loss down and maintain it at a point where we can predict and budget for it.
What steps do you take to prevent retail shrinkage losses
Let’s examine some of the common inventory shrinkage problems:

  • Pricing errors                           
       – Inaccuracy when pricing               
       – Low price on item                     
       – Incorrect tag on item
  • Missing SKU/price tickets                
       – Sales at the wrong price cause lost profit                           
       – Extra time is involved in tracking down correct price
  • Receiving errors                
       – Accuracy in counting                  
       – All items must be correctly piece counted
  • Illegible or incorrect writing on documents                                
       – Written information must be easy to read                               
       – Information must be accurate
  • Padding inventory                        
       –  Gives a false picture of the company’s profits
  • Merchandise or product transfer                     
       – When a transfer is not generated, retail shrinkage is created for the sending store or unit
       – Incorrect transfers create retail loss
  • Shoplifting                           
       – Makes a substantial impact and can add up quickly
       – Shoplifting must be accounted for through incident reports and then writing off the items                       
       – Losses also include empty packages, price tickets hidden in bathrooms, etc.
  • Register discounts                       
       – Discount errors create retail loss 
       – Only management should authorize discounts                             
       – Management must insure the correct amount of discount is taken
       – Deception constitutes fraud
  • Fraudulent or improper refunds/returns   
       – Evaluate each situation               
       – No receipt could mean possible shoplifted  
       – An associate’s best friend with receipt and no merchandise.

Retail Return Policy

A good return/exchange policy should contain the following items:                                 
A time limit for returns and exchanges should be made. For example, no returns are allowed after 30 days.

Require ID

If an exchange is given, the original item should be circled and noted on the customer’s receipt. A new receipt should not be given to the customer.

Receipts should be required (train the customer). If a receipt is not available, then ask for proof of purchase such as a canceled check or charge statement.              

  • Voids                                    
    – The “number one” way employees steal cash                   
    – Associates void legitimate sales and steal the cash                       
    – Investigate voids without management approval
  •  Fraud or improper use of time card     
    – Ghost “employees” created in order to collect pay                        
    – Clocking in or out for another employee  

For more information on retail shrinkage contact us at: retail loss or call 1.770.426.0547                        


Get control of retail shrinkage

What puts many businesses out of business is the inability to get control of retail shrinkage.  There can be a stumbling block to recognizing the reality that all retailers experience employee theft.  Many retailers, especially boutique types, have “good repeat customers”.  They may be shocked to know how many of those “paying customers” are actually great actors and professional level shoplifters that are cleaning out the store bit by bit.

Other areas that are a problem smaller retailers have a hard time looking at is that there is a good potential that they are experiencing some retail shrinkage due to vendor fraud.  Long term trusted vendors are often waved by through the receiving line and invoices are signed blindly.  One shorted item per visit can add up to a significant side business for unscrupulous vendors.

So how does the retailer get control of retail shrinkage?  There are many ways to do that and they can be divided into two areas, installed solutions and consulting solutions.

Installed anti theft devices such as Checkpoint Systems will not only deter shoplifting and keep shoplifters out but will also actively watch for theft and alarm personnel in the event product is being stolen.

Loss Prevention consultants can survey your store, procedures and issues and offer a plan that can be scaled into phases or implemented all at once to knock out  retail shrinkage.  This method will provide a detailed look at what is going on and can help avoid investing in a good solution to a problem you do not have.

For more information go to: retail shrinkage solutions


Paperwork and Retail Loss

Three of the major contributing factors to retail loss are internal and external theft, and paperwork errors.  Paperwork errors are frequently the easiest to control and just require some thought and care to prevent.  Although this type of shrink would seem to be harmless – since the merchandise is not stolen – it is still a serious problem and a drain on profits.

 One of the major contributors to the large overall problem of inventory shortage –  retail shrinkage  – is carelessness and a lack of control over paperwork.

 What causes paper shrink and how can you help to control it?

  • Receiving.  The receiving paperwork says you should receive 30 items, which you sign for, and you only receive 28.  Detailed receiving counts will avoid the loss of 2 items.
  • Breakage, spoilage, items for company use, and other inventory adjustments.  Sometimes, physical items are removed from stock for legitimate purposes, only some of which are named here, with the intention of completing the adjusting paperwork later.  If we forget, the result is inventory shortage.  Complete the paperwork and process it immediately to prevent unnecessary  retail loss.
  • Mispriced merchandise.  An item is carried in inventory at $10.00 and priced at $9.00.  Every time a sale is made, $1.00 is lost to shrink.  Any mistake when marking, changing, or recording prices can mean increased shortage, which means less profit.
  •  Inaccurate counts.  At inventory time, when making price changes, or when transferring merchandise, incorrect counts mean unbalanced inventories, which contribute to shrink, which result in unexpected losses to the company.

 These are a few of the ways inaccurate, incomplete, or an absence of supporting paperwork can affect inventory.   There are many other ways, and you can probably think of more of them yourself.

 The way to solid inventory control is to assign jobs correctly; take time to avoid errors; and accurately complete the paperwork in order to complete the job.

 Retail loss caused by paperwork errors is preventable.

 For ideas on implementing an effective loss prevention program, go to  retail loss 

More On Retail Shrinkage, Shoplifting

If shoplifting accounts as the second biggest retail loss area how do you combat it?

Training, Training and still more Training. If you are not training your employees how to prevent shoplifting you will never, ever succeed as a retailer. The key is the type of training. Do not put the main focus on apprehending the shoplifter.

Although this is important prevention is more profitable and will reduce retail loss in this area.

This prevention training involves the actual approach to a suspected shoplifter. It is easy and can be entertaining as you drive the shoplifter crazy and send them down the street to your competitor who is doing nothing but watching their profits walk out the door. The approach is simple and varied by each situation. Every store employee must be trained in this method, which should be made a job duty. Do this and you will decrease your shoplifting losses. You do not need to be a loss prevention or security expert to approach a suspected shoplifter.

Loss Prevention Systems has shoplifting training programs that are proven and effective. Don’t be the guy down the street that is watching their profits drain away.

Want more? Contact us at retail loss or call 1.770.426.0547

Sources of inventory shrinkage in retail

The University of Florida publishes an annual retail loss report that is considered to be the ultimate reference in the loss prevention industry.  They have identified five areas of inventory shrinkage/ losses which are: Administrative errors, Vendor Fraud, Unknown, Shoplifting and Employee theft.

Surprising to many at first is that employee theft is the primary source of retail loss.  Vendor fraud is mostly not even on a retailer’s radar but can account for 3 to 5 percent of annual losses.

Shoplifting is usually what comes to mind first when you mention retail loss.  This accounts for  around 35% of total retail shrinkage. 

One complication in calculating and categorizing these losses is that an unknown portion involves employees collaborating with shoppers and or outsiders.  This is called “sweet hearting”.  The employee running the cash register simply does not ring all items, or carries bar codes of inexpensive items and rings them instead of what is actually brought to the register. 

This bleeds into organized retail crime to a degree as well.  Organized retail crime is on the rise and is a serious threat especially to understaffed retailers.  A group or team will enter the store, one or more creates a distraction while others clean house.  The distraction can get very creative… everything from a scantily clothed female that strips to a false trip and fall. 

If you are suffering from retail loss and want help, contact Loss Prevention Systems today.


Are You Experiencing Retail Shrinkage?

Are You Experiencing Retail Shrinkage?

Retail Shrinkage or “shrink” is the difference between what the book inventory and the physical inventory show. This rarely “0” it is normally over or short.

Shortages are usually made up of the one or several of the following loss areas: employee theft, shoplifting, vendor fraud, paperwork errors or improper store-to-store transfers.  According to the University of Florida Retail Study that has been done for many years now the areas of theft generally rank:

Employee theft 48%
Shoplifting 32%
Administrative Error 15%
Vendor Fraud 5%

These percents change very little from year to year. The lesson is that employee theft ranks very high in retail shrinkage. It is always the largest area of loss to a retailer. The basic reason for this is that employees and managers have unlimited access to merchandise and cash. Many smaller retailers do not want to believe this and the excuse that we at Loss Prevention Systems usually hear is “I trust my employees”.

We have one response to this: “Trust But Verify”. Many retailers (large and small companies) use personal trust in place of business trust. Business trust involves trust but verify. If you are using personal trust in a business environment you are asking for trouble.

Want more information: Retail Shrinkage or call 1.770.426.0547