The loss prevention investigator working to uncover losses

Overt or covert, the loss prevention investigator is working to safeguard your assets and boost your profits.

The loss prevention investigator was called into a store in a hard hit area of an inner city. The store has been experiencing heavy losses. The management is pretty certain it’s not customer related, but doesn’t really wanna point fingers at any of his long term employees.

The investigator starts from the beginning. He covertly gathers information on who might be involved, what is being stolen, when was the last time merchandise was lost, where did the merchandise come from and why was the merchandise lost (was it really employee theft?) Answering these questions is gonna take some thorough work, but the answers will be found.

The loss prevention investigator sets up shop in the manager’s office. He interviews management first. Creating a list of merchandise that has been taken and a list of the employees that had access to this merchandise, the investigator narrows his list to 3 or 4 employees.

These 3 or 4 employees become the investigators job. He conducts surveillance, sets up covert CCTV equipment and monitors the activities of these employees while on the clock. After about 1 week, the loss prevention investigator believes he has the suspects narrowed down to one or two employees.

The least likely suspect is interviewed first. The investigator talks about his job with the company and explains what he has been doing over the last week. The employee quickly realizes he has nowhere to run and admits to the investigator that he is involved with the theft. He also admits to the investigator that another employee has been working with him on causing these losses. Because the investigator was diligent and left no stone unturned, he already knew the “other” employee was involved.

For more information visit us at loss prevention investigator or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia