Corporate Fraud….Insurance Scams – Atlanta Georgia

One of the leading corporate fraud scams out there is insurance scamming.  Insurance Fraud is any act committed with the intention of obtaining funds fraudulently from an insurance provider.  These types of frauds not only cost companies billions of dollars annually, but can affect the lives of innocent by standers as well.  The Coalition against Insurance Fraud estimates that in 2006 a total of about $80 billion was lost in the United States due to insurance fraud.

Let’s look at an example of corporate fraud that affects the innocent.  Ever been sitting at  a red light, minding your own business and someone intentionally hits you from behind, then you hit the car in front of you.  Well when the person in front of you claims a neck injury….because he was working with the creep who hit you….files false medical costs…….then they are committing insurance fraud.

Medical disability is also one of the leading corporate fraud scams for insurance companies and worker’s compensation.  Say an employee is able to convince a medical professional they are unable to work due to an injury they sustained while on the job.  Not only is the company out worker’s compensation monies, but the government is out disability funds if they employee claims they cannot ever work!  My dream job would be follow these folks around that are capable of holding a job but defrauding the government for disability and take photos of them riding bikes and water skiing.

Corporate fraud in the insurance market is one of the hardest to prove.  Do you think your corporation, insurance company or otherwise, have been the victim of Fraud?  Contact us at corporate fraud or call 1.770.426.0547. – Atlanta Georgia

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